Villavicencio is one of the cities with the greatest cultural renown in Colombia; even Rafael Nuñez cites the tradition of this beautiful land in the sixth stanza of the national anthem when he says: "Indomitable Centaurs descend to the Llanos, and begins to present the end of the epic".
With this anteroom we begin this section in which we will talk about the magnificent city of Villavicencio and why you should visit it during your transfer to our country. Let us start by mentioning that, Villavicencio is the capital of the department of Meta, a territory known for the incomparable arreboles of the llanero sunset.
This city is also commonly known as 'Villavo' and as mentioned at the beginning its cultural and gastronomic features are very popular in the region. From its famous practices such as coleo and dances like the Joropo, to the captivating music composed by the sound of the harp and maracas, this is danced at the step of the tap. It is also the cradle of the delicious "Carne a la mamona" which you cannot miss trying for its unique and authentic flavor. Other delicious dishes of this land are:
· La gallina criolla.
· El sancocho de gallina.
· El pan de arroz.
· Los tungos.
· El pisillo de carne de res o pescado.
· La cachama.
· La mojarra.
· Las hayacas
· Las cachapas de maíz tierno.
You can also do various activities during your visit, such as going to Los Fundadores Park, visiting the impressive Nuestra Señora del Carmen Cathedral, visit the House of Culture Jorge Eliecer Gaitán and of course not to take a picture of the city in your mind and heart in the Mirador Piedra del Amor.
Finally, we recommend planning your trip for the months of June and July, because at this time takes place the International Joropo Tournament, where the llanero folklore feels to the skin.
LARM, your home away from home!
Key words:
Travel, Villavicencio, Experiences, Wonders, Transferred Professional, Support, Consultancy, Relocation, LARM.
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