LARM, ALWAYS SAFE! These are the bases we have from the Management and the Occupational Health and Safety area. And these are implemented for the well-being of LARM´s collaborators, contractors, customers and suppliers, guaranteeing processes and activities that prevent accidents and occupational diseases, in favor of quality and living conditions.
And of course at the times when we are in a State of Emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, LARM COLOMBIA strengthens its commitment and complies with the guidelines defined in Resolution 666 of April 24, 2020, "Adopt the general biosafety protocol to mitigate, control and carry out the adequate management of the Coronavirus pandemic COVID-19 ”, regulations and guidelines of the National Government implementing strategies to contain the transmission of the virus, such as: social distancing which is It started from last March 16, even before the mandatory isolation was decreed in our country, since then our collaborators have been working from home work; where they continuously train in preventive measures to mitigate the virus, through activities, workshops, talks, supported courses in the area of OSH, Human Resources, ARL'S and other entities, the topics of hand washing, respiratory etiquette, correct use are strengthened elements of personal protection, healthy habits that prevent contagion, emotion management, among others, added to this training, an exhaustive monitoring of daily symptoms and accompaniment of our collaborators is carried out, with these activities added to the enlistment and adaptation of offices, review of activities before, during and after to demonstrate and mitigate any contagion factor during its execution, we can affirm that we are ALWAYS SAFE and prepared to face the new challenges and normalization of activities against COVID-19, ready to care for our clients, families , suppliers and other interested parties.
If you would like to get more info about how we are managing our security protocols against COVID-19, you can contact us here
¡LARM, your home away from home!
