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Recommendations for safe travel.

Foto del escritor: Larm ColombiaLarm Colombia

Currently certain countries are experiencing the highest peak of the Covid-19, living their health system collapse.

In case you are not able to re-schedule your trip, it is important to bear in mind the following recommendations:

Ar Origin:

1. We recommend that you check the establish times to arrive to the airport on time and avoid companions (check with your airline).

2. Keep in mind the conditions and requirements that you must meet both in the country or city of origin and final destination.

3. If you have fever, cough, lack of smell or taste, it is preferable not to travel.

During Trip:

1. Wash your hands frequently with water and soap or alcohol-based sanitizer.

2. When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow or a tissue.

3. Avoid touching your face.

4. Wear your mask at all times.

5. Avoid eating during the trip.

6. Use tissues to remove respiratory secretions.

7. Reduce physical contact with people.

At Destiny:

1. Once you arrive at your destination it is advisable to stay in a strict isolation for approximately 14 days or take the PCR test.

2. Have all documents required by local authorities at hand.

3. Review the restrictions required by the authorities (restrictions with the last digit of your ID, car plate number and/or entering to an establishment.

4. Have the transportation information at hand to get to your accommodation safe.

It is up to everyone to overcome this situation, if we consider these recommendations, we will succeed. Do not hesitate to contact us through our communication channels for more information.

LARM your home away from home!

Key words:

Travel, Biosafety, Commitment, Care, Reactivation, Relocation, LARM.

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Presencia Regional

▸ Argentina

▸ Belize

▸ Bolivia

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▸ Cayman Islands

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▸ Colombia

▸ Dominican Rep.

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▸ Panama

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▸ Peru

▸ Puerto Rico

Trinidad y Tobago

▸ Uruguay


▸ Venezuela

Bogotá - Colombia

Cra 13 # 96 - 67, Edificio Akori, Ofic. 607, Codigo Postal 110221

PBX 601- 704 1159 ,

Medellín - Colombia

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