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LARM and its contribution to the environment.

Foto del escritor: Larm ColombiaLarm Colombia

LARM COLOMBIA, in its commitment to the Environment is certified in the Environmental Management System complying with the requirements of ISO Standard 14001:2015, this has led to the company questioning the interaction with the Environment, evaluating what LARM activities are impacting him. To lessen this impact, programmes and controls have been developed in which all partners and other stakeholders are involved.

Within these activities the management of waste has been programmed with its storage, distribution and delivery to waste pickers, representative celebrations such as water day, planet, recycling, environment, clean air, preservation of the ozone layer, energy savings, inspections, sensitization and awareness-raising are frequently carried out on the impact and control of the consumption of public services such as water and energy to conserve the natural resources within our reach, among other activities.

There is a very important activity for LARM, which has become increasingly representative in society in general and is related to the labelling of products. Through this activity we identify the products we use in the organization to describe what is its impact on the environment and in case of an environmental emergency as we must intervene. Labelling is one of the most reliable criteria for identifying a product and making decisions when comparing it with another.

This has led us to have a conscience and responsibility as an organization to buy. Today, our organization relies on products or services that have eco-labels that alert us if it is environmentally friendly. Thus, these eco-labels provide necessary information on possible environmental effects caused by the consumption, production or management of such product or service.

Thus, as an organization we invite our clients and transferred professionals to review eco-labels when they make purchases, obtain information and awareness of what they buy and think about whether it can be reused or repaired or recycled. All this to change our consumption habits, thinking about the conservation of natural resources.

LARM, your home away from home!

Key words:

Environment, Planet, Sustainability, Regulations, Process, Global Mobility, Diversity, Projections, 2022, process, procedure, Advisory, Colombian Nationality, Support, Accompaniment, Relocation, LARM.

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