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Importance of a strong mobility policy.

Foto del escritor: Larm ColombiaLarm Colombia

When we decide to internationalize the human talent of our company in order to achieve a significant transfer of knowledge, contribute to the development of collaborators, among other objectives framed within the Global Mobility; it is of vital importance to design and implement a sound policy that allows for the correct flow of personnel through international transfers and the benefits that the company is willing to cover.

It should be understood that a mobility policy is defined as the objective of establishing guidelines for the management of international mobility needs; in order to identify the benefits and compensation that the company is willing to give to those impatriated collaborators or expatriates.

Now, although mobility policies have the same components vary from company to company since, they should be tailored to the needs of the company, do market research, share practices with colleagues, seek expert support will give us the inputs for the creation of this, which we can adapt and adjust to the needs of our company, such as:

  • Corporate culture

  • Human Resources philosophy

  • Specific balance between costs and benefits

  • Compensation plans

  • Need to retain or attract talent: Having international career opportunities can make a company attractive when it comes to attracting talent, for which they must have a competitive profit policy.

A mobility policy must also be clear, easy to implement, transparent and without the need for exceptions. Additionally, within the administration of the policy, the employee and his or her spouse (if applicable), the area of Human Resources and potential direct chiefs must be linked.

Finally, when we have designed and implemented our mobility policy we must bear in mind the updating of it in the following respects:

  • Review at least once a year

  • Each time a change in the business plan is generated

  • Benchmarking and Data.

If you are interested in building your global mobility policy or strengthening it you can request our services through or by clicking here.

LARM, your home away from home!

Key words:

Politics, Mobility, Global, Human Talent, Professional, Transfered, Relocation, LARM.

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